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Reducing Harm and Supporting Recovery in our local communities

Bluebell Youth Project and Education and Family Project

Description: Canal Communities Regional Youth Service operates two main projects;

  1. Bluebell Youth Project. Personal and social development with young people aged 10-24 through a variety of youth work methodologies in Bluebell, Dublin 12. These include youth clubs, drop ins, young women’s and young men’s groups, music and art, summer programmes and one to one support on a variety of issues including drug use, mental health, gender and identity, disability and family.
  2. Education and Family Support Project – supports for parents of children at risk of early school leaving with addiction issues within the family in Bluebell, Inchicore and Rialto.

Address: Bluebell Youth and Community Centre, Bluebell Road, Dublin 12
Phone: 01 473 8439
Does your organisation have any catchment area? Canal Communities and specifically Bluebell for the youth project
Do you operate any waiting lists? No
Any other criteria required for attending your service? Young people aged 10-24 and their parents/guardians

Turas Training

Name: Trevor Keogh and Tony Coffey
Description: Turas Training is a comprehensive day programme supporting individuals in recovery from addiction. We are funded by the Health Service Executive and the Department of Social Protection to provide education, training and specialist one-to-one services. We are a Community Employment Scheme, a QQI provider, an Outreach Centre for Maynooth University, and a member of the Canal Communities Local Drug and Alcohol Task Force.
Address: Unit C1 Bluebell Business Centre, Old Nass Road, Dublin 12.D12 KP22
Phone:01-450 5396
Does your organisation have any catchment area? No
Do you operate any waiting lists? No
Any other criteria required for attending your service? If you are aged between 18 – 65, in receipt of a social welfare payment and attending either a relevant HSE addiction service or other relevant statutory, community based or voluntary drug support service within the last year.