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Reducing Harm and Supporting Recovery in our local communities

Canal Communities Regional Addiction Service

Name: Ger Doherty (Manager)
‘A Community Free from Harmful Addiction’

Mission Statement
Through its Board of Management and team of professional workers the Canal Communities Regional Addiction Service will work in an integrated and collaborative way with communities, community groups, local drug services, statutory agencies and service users to respond effectively to harmful polydrug use, alcohol use and addiction in the Canal Communities.

Canal Communities Regional Addiction Service (CCRAS) is a Company limited by guarantee with Charitable Status and overseen by a voluntary management committee. It is tasked by the Canal Communities Local Drug and Alcohol Task Force (CCLDATF) with implementing a range of initiatives to address substance misuse and its causes and consequences on a regional basis within the Canal Communities area.

CCRAS has a loyal and dedicated team of professional staff that operate across the Canal Communities of Dublin 8. The company takes a strategic and integrated approach to addressing harmful addiction in the Canal Communities. The work of the staff reflects the priorities of the company with a strong focus on prevention, early intervention, treatment and rehabilitation embedded within a community development ethos and a commitment to social inclusion, equality, dignity, and rights.

CCRAS endeavours to project a positive and hopeful approach to addressing harmful drug and alcohol addiction. We try to empower people and families to believe that even in the depths of their despair and hopelessness there can be progression and a pathway to survive addiction. We want to let people surviving addiction and their families know they are not alone. There are many supports in the community to help people progress from harmful addiction. CCRAS, in collaboration with its local partners has developed an integrated means to do this through education, health promotion, harm reduction, rehabilitation & treatment, drug free options and community integration supports.
Address: Oblate Basketball Hall, Oblate Church, Tyrconnell Road, Inchicore, Dublin 8
Phone: Administration Office: 086 384 5542 (Elaine Whelan)
Does your organisation have any catchment area? Corresponds with the catchment area of the CCLDATF.
In addition the Harm Reduction Coordinator service operates across the areas of the CCLDATF and that of Dublin 12 LDATF
Do you operate any waiting lists? No
Any other criteria required for attending your service? CCRAS services are open to anyone affected by harmful drug addiction

Community Lynks Project

Name: Margaret Lamrani (Manager)
Addiction Counselling/Psychotherapy/Key-working
Individual Care Plan
Group Therapy
Return to Education (QQI)
College/Job Placements
Assignment Support
Physical Training/Gym
Address: Oblates Basketball Arena, Tyrconnell Road, Dublin 8
Phone: 01 453 7842
Does your organisation have any catchment area? Canals Communities Catchment but will look at each individual application separately.
Do you operate any waiting lists? Yes – We will always arrange an assessment within days of receipt of application.
Any other criteria required for attending your service? We are a Community Employment Scheme. We run two Groups.
Total Abstinent. 2. Progression (Stable on methadone)

Core Youth Service Trading as St. Michaels Parish Youth Project

Name: Carol Hyland (Manager)
Description:ABOUT US
Core Youth Service is an independent community-based youth service, set up in 1986. We work with young people Most at risk from the ages of 10-24 in the Inchicore area.
The Service has a Vision of a well-resourced community which supports and holds its young people at its centre so that they can create and develop (educationally, physically, socially, spiritually and economically) in order to bring about change for themselves and their community.
Core Youth Service is an independent community-based youth service. Its mission is to support and assist young people to achieve their full potential through:

  • Offering a friendly place where young people can learn and grow in an atmosphere that is enjoyable, encouraging and challenging;
  • Offering a non-formal and relationship-based developmental and educational process;
  • Contributing with others, including young people, to the creation of conditions that allow young people actively participate in decision making in areas that affect their lives.

Address: St. Vincent Street West, Inchicore, Dublin 8
Phone: 01 454 4791
Does your organisation have any catchment area? We traditionally cover the Inchicore area but we have a large contingent of young people, who have historical links t the service, who attend
Do you operate any waiting lists? No
Any other criteria required for attending your service? Aged between 10 and 25

Frontline previously Inchicore Bluebell Community Addiction Team

Name: Stuart Fraser
Description: Counselling
Drop In
Group Work
Aftercare Support
Cannabis Group
Polysubstance Misuse Group
Progression Group
Restorative Practice and Prison links service
Women’s & Men’s Groups
Key working
Address: Kavanagh House, 135 Emmett Rd, Inchicore, D8
Phone:01 473 6502
Does your organisation have any catchment area? No, we will work with anyone who needs our services.
Do you operate any waiting lists? Not for adults we provide a direct access drop in, there may be waiting times for counselling and some of the structured group work but to receive immediate help no.
We operated a childcare waiting list, and this can be up to a year until a place becomes available.
Any other criteria required for attending your service? You can drop in and have direct access no referral required, get in touch through our website or social media

St. Michael’s Family Resource Centre Community Development Project

Description: The Family Resource Centre Community Development Project acknowledges that Irish society has significant inequalities in relation to income, resources and power. We are aware that the gap between rich and poor continues to widen. We are also keenly aware of many sections of Irish society who are discriminated against and as a result are often marginalized and benefit less from progress made locally and nationally. The Family Resource Centre Women’s Community Development Project through its policy work at a local and national level challenges this engrained and structural inequality.

Community Development:

  • Women’s Local Education Programme
  • Men’s Development Programme
  • Senior Citizens Development Programme
  • Outreach
  • Tenant Participation, Advocacy & Leadership
  • Regeneration
  • One to One Support & Advice
  • Family Support
  • Fáilte Isteach – English Conversation Classes
  • Inter-agency Work
  • Summer Programme

Violence Against Women:

  • Outreach Centre
  • Court Accompaniment
  • Advocacy & Support
  • Educational and Awareness Training

Affordable Childcare:

  • Crèche (supporting parents into local education)
  • After-School Project (supporting primary school children who are falling behind in the school system with their homework)
  • Community & Family Summer Programme

Address: 72 Tyrone Place, Inchicore, Dublin 08
Phone: 01 453 3938
Does your organisation have any catchment area? We work with the most marginalized people in the St. Michael’s Estate area. We work with women, new community children, older people, men, new communities and Travellers. We believe in people’s capacity to grow and change and contribute to making their lives, their children’s lives and their community life better. We meet people where they are at in their lives and at the core of The Family Resource Centre Community Development Project is a genuine commitment to people of all ages, gender, sexuality, race, ability etc. We value the human rights of the people we work with and we work diligently to make people aware of their rights and to protect those rights. At the heart of The Family Resource Centre Community Development Project is an open door, a warm welcome, a non-judgmental attitude and genuine solidarity in our work.
Do you operate any waiting lists? No
Any other criteria required for attending your service? No